List your top 5 favorite fruits.
I eat blueberries by the handful all day, every day if I can. Blueberries are my favorite–I once heard that the darker the skin, the more antioxidants. My biggest takeaways after reading This is your Brain on Food by Uma Naidoo, MD was that the more berries and mushrooms you eat, the better off your brain will be.
I love a good mango in the Philippines. Sometimes you can get some that are almost as sweet from Thai restaurants in the U.S. when you order a mango sticky rice dessert. Almost.
Bananas are the perfect filling snack for on the go, no matter how many times my younger son tells me to stop packing them for his school snack.
& there’s nothing quite like a juicy apple smothered in peanut butter. Yum!
What do you think?