
Rotten Egg

“Last one there is a rotten egg!”

I don’t know who taught my youngest son this phrase, but it is repeated multiple times a day. Variations are “rotten eagle” and rotten beagle.”

I cannot explain those variations, because I do not understand them myself.

The “last one there…” phrase is generally declared when the odds are stacked clearly against me. I’m on the other side of the house, I’m continuing to grab various items before task switching.

“Why do you like being a rotten egg all of the time?”

I’m leaning in to it. I told him I was going to own it. I am a rotten egg. I wrote a poem for him to enjoy and we made rotten egg drawings together.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

His rotten egg has forehead wrinkles and a cane

What would you look like as a rotten egg?

What do you think?

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