
Weekly Creative Work Roundup

Last week I wrote of daily creative acts and how I’d like to keep tabs on them the same way I’ve been keeping up with having fun getting dressed through my ‘Fit Pic Friday posts. As I wrote in “Why ‘Fit Pic Friday?”, I don’t see myself as much of a fashion person, I just like putting together my often thrifted and vintage clothing finds in creative ways and weekly sharing is a fun way to keep myself committed to the challenge.

I’m feel that if my consistent weekly post is about fashion, it’s too much of a focus on the blog as a whole. So I’m going to loop those fashion pics in with small creative tasks I’ve progressed with through the week. That’s what they’ve always been to me, after all.

Blog Posts

In case you missed it, this week I shared about:

Aside from those published, I was generally all over the place with my writing. I have a lot of drafts I’m actively working on and it would have benefitted me to stay more focused on one at a time. Ten(!) drafts were edited in the last week, two of which are about Abundance and Food-inspired kitchen wallpapers.

Kid Stuff

It was my youngest’s 100th day of school! I didn’t have to buy anything to celebrate, we already had this wig that he didn’t wear when he was a mad scientist for Halloween.

dressed as a 100 year old

Fashion Fun

thrifted camo slip on sneakers, army green belt, suede jacket and grey turtleneck
thrifted brown chelsea boots, grey free people sleeveless shirt, chocolate turtleneck
thrifted camel pointed Oxford shoes, butterfly socks, Brooks Brothers button down shirt (what a steal!) and extra small (okay it’s almost definitely made for a child) athletic shirt used as a vest

Also: support an Etsy artist! The sweetheart candy earrings are from Elfie

Thrifted navy anthropologie floral shirt and navy Ugg lace sneakers

I had a normal photo of this outfit, this butt pic was for my personal enjoyment…but my 5 year old said the other pic was ugly?? So here’s the floral pattern mixing from the back. Now you know why I have these pants in three different colors.

thrifted head to toe!! Army green Reebok high tops, Loft navy velour button fly pants, Banana Republic olive long sleeve shirt, Frida seed beaded necklace, and Hollister parka are all secondhand!!


This week I sat down and painted for the first time since Christmas day. I didn’t finish, but it was nice to sit down for a bit and give it a whirl. I’m hoping this weekly post will keep me accountable.

Creative Blocks

This week I had many! Calls to quickly get my child out of a program and into another, doctor’s appointments, repair appointments, lots of taxiing the kids around, three calls with a detective to ensure that our family did not want to press charges against a child that committed a crime against us, my husband started his new job in the city + had four evening events that had us both asleep after 11 at the earliest (thus wrecking my morning schedule after needing to sleep in), an endometriosis flare up…the whole shebang!


  • It will be helpful to have designated daily topics for the blog, so I won’t flit around between post ideas
  • Stricter bedtime for me: book down before 10:30, no matter what
  • A little daily sketch? Is that so much to ask?
  1. […] week was my first rendition of my Weekly Creative Work Round Up, where I combine everyday creative endeavors, ‘fit pics, and other aspects of art/writing/life […]

  2. […] prioritize any of them, it places you in a freeze mode—you don’t do a damn thing. This week’s Weekly Creative Work Roundup of everyday creative projects will focus more on creative blocks than last week’s creative […]

  3. […] haven’t done a weekly installment of my creative tinkering in a while, partly because I’ve been bursting with creative energy […]

  4. […] not to emphasize quantity over quality. I felt I was beginning to do so when I was writing a lot of creative update posts and that rushed leap year […]

  5. […] Living an intentional life is simple, not easy. As I build the habits I want to be integral to my identity, like creativity, I make creative tasks more simple to do by reducing friction. Examples include having a dedicated space for writing, organizing and prioritizing creative endeavors, and tracking progress with habits in growing. […]

  6. […] held steady and reminded myself why I was sharing my outfits online. I changed the weekly update to creative roundups that included the outfits…then it all fizzled […]

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