
One Room Challenge?! No Way!

one room challenge guest participant

In October, a local designer I befriended here in Fairfield, CT, Kate Smith, took part in Calling it Home’s One Room Challenge. It seemed like so much fun! I’m not quite a designer, but working on my house is by far one of my favorite ways to spend my time. I took note that the six week challenge happens twice a year, and decided I’d give it a go during the next time around.

Here’s the jist: it’s a six-week challenge to complete a room makeover from start to finish. Each week, you post about progress and link back. Simple enough, right?

I hope so. Hopefully I’m doing it right. Turns out, it started YESTERDAY. So, I’m late to the party. Regardless, I find that I get things done far more efficiently if I’ve got a deadline, or, as I often call it–a fire lit under me.

First thing’s first: the before!IMG_4610

This is my upstairs bathroom. It’s received the least attention as far as design goes, but a WHOLE LOT of attention otherwise.

Wait–that sounds super gross. I don’t mean it like that. The weird thing is, it’s one of my favorite rooms in the house. It’s got a killer view of our pond in the backyard and when I put the lid down, I have a little porcelain chair to enjoy it with. Here’s it in wintertime.

bathroom view

When I was going through some tough times after our big move, I’d creep away to the bathroom just to hide out from the mounting needs of my family. It sounds weird, but I know other moms get it! I also read that introverts often hide out in bathrooms, so, whatever. Don’t judge.

I found this shower curtain on Urban Outfitters’ website right after we moved.


I’m an alpaca (so, by proxy, llamas are cool, too) FREAK, so I was like,


Obviously. It, and the Peru trip I took over the summer, are my inspiration.

Tough stuff:

  1. This is going to be as frugal of a project as can be, as we’re tucking our money away for our big international trip this summer.
  2. I do NOT like the color of the hardware, but I think I’m going to work around it.
  3. I also don’t like this light fixture, though it’s new and doesn’t really need to be replaced.IMG_4595
  4. These blinds were on every window when we moved in. They are custom, but they are wrong! Aren’t these types of blinds supposed to be in the window frame, not on top of the mouldings above the window? Anyhow, this is the last one standing, not including the roman shades DIY. Will they stick around? Wait and see!IMG_4596

What’s next?

I already have a good idea of want I want going forward, and will likely be making some purchases before Wednesday next week. Though I’m going to be out of town, I think I’ll be able to pull through and make it happen. Stick around and we’ll see! In the meantime, here’s my design mood board:

inspiration board

As you can see, I’m feeling that Jungalow vibe! Hopefully this’ll keep me accountable, I’m SO SLOW with finishing projects and SO QUICK to hop on another before the last is finished.


  1. […] always my favorite way to present my curated life, but I thought I’d put it off until the One Room Challenge. Now, it might be before I attend Create and Cultivate Conference in New York. Who […]

  2. SammyandSufi says:

    Exciting to see someone else doing this!! We are doing it as well, we are tackling our bathroom and hopefully can see the change :))

  3. Ooooh!!! So fun! Can’t wait to see it!


  4. […] Remember two weeks ago, when I told y’all I was going to give the One Room Challenge a try, even though I was going to be out of town and super busy with other stuff? And that I […]

  5. […] working on the One Room Challenge from Calling it Home that I told you guys about few weeks ago and updated you on last week!  I’m waiting on that wallpaper from WallsNeedLove, but that […]

  6. tiny kelsie says:

    […] One Room Challenge from Calling it Home this week! To keep you up to speed, here’s  the first week, the third week, and last week‘s […]

  7. […] One Room Challenge from Calling it Home this week! To keep you up to speed, here’s  the first week, the third week, and last week‘s […]

  8. […] it Home post this week! If you’d like to see how things progressed week by week, check out the first week, the third week, the fourth week and last week‘s posts. But really, who needs all that? This is […]

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