
Fashion Fun Update!

This weekend, Memorial Day marks the end of spring and the entry to summer. Earlier in the year, I pledged that 2023 would be the year of consistency and, after being inspired by a certain 90’s sitcom, I dared to have more fun getting dressed every day. I managed to pull that off, dressing in a fun, exciting way Monday-Friday (and if I left the house on the weekends, then too) through both winter and spring, and most days I even remembered to snap a photo so I could track my progress! All clothes purchased this year are thrifted from my local goodwill. Here’s a montage my phone quickly whipped up from my “outfits” album I started this year, starting from today and going backwards to early January.

Getting dressed has definitely gotten more fun. Since I don’t use Instagram or check other social media, I don’t really know what’s “in style,” and generally everywhere I go, much of my mom peers are wearing atheleisure apparel. I might be wearing what others would deem as whacky or out of fashion for all I know.

Last year I did a bit of dopamine dressing by buying a few articles of clothing that had 1970’s motifs and patterns that I’ve loved since I was a kid-smiley faces and groovy flower kind of stuff-and repeatedly wore them. But this year I really leaned in to keeping things fresh, wearing the same pieces matched up differently, and letting myself be overdressed for housework and childcare duties and gardening and woodworking. I let myself feel pretty. Which has felt pretty darn good.

  1. […] be on the bus I won’t need to have everything done–but does that mean I won’t be having fun getting dressed like Fran the Nanny […]

  2. […] Fashion fun continues! I’ve been dressing with my spirit animal, Fran Fine, in mind for 13 months now, and this year I’m sharing weekly pics of my outfits–or, as my son calls them: ‘Fit Pics. Read about why I do ‘Fit Pic Friday on a previous post. […]

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